Masterplan for the site for 1,000 residential units, including Elderly residential units, supported Community living, as well as a Crèche, Community facilities and small local Retail units
eml architects Design Team were commissioned by Limerick Twenty Thirty, to develop a Masterplan for 26.5 hectares of land surrounding Mungret College in Limerick. The College is a landmark building and Protected Structure. The Team assembled by eml included Architects, Town Planners, Urban Designers, Structural and Services Engineers, Ecologists, Archaeologists, and Viability Consultants.
We developed a Masterplan for the site for 1,000 residential units, including Elderly residential units, supported Community living, as well as a Crèche, Community facilities and small local Retail units.
The Team subsequently developed the design for Phase 1 of the proposed development, which includes 250 residential units, Crèche and Community facility. It was granted Planning Permission in 2021.
Limerick Twenty Thirty
Mungret, Co. Limerick