Colbert Station Masterplan

Eml was invited by RIAI and LDA to participate in the Colbert Lands study.

We believe that the Colbert Quarter have a potential to transform Limerick city into a liveable and vibrant place, where people and nature are at the heart of the scheme. In our proposal people’s experience has been taken into account to create human scale urban design. From the existing low-rise houses at Carey’s Road, through the proposed mid-scale affordable houses, to 6-7 storey apartment quarters around the new City Park, this mixed-use development presents the chance to create a dense city with a variety of accommodation and activities.  

Tall buildings at the ground floor are shaped in a human scale way to strengthen and activate the street edge. Different amenities and diversity is a key. The new neighbourhood will have an overlap of functions throughout the day, so that the site is active from morning to night, engendering an atmosphere of community and protection. 

 Also, this is transit orientated scheme, where sustainable transport is prioritised: walking first, then cycling, public transport, deliveries and then private cars. The proposed idea of a pedestrian/ cyclist bridge above the existing railway gives a chance to give up driving in favour of cycling and exploring the Colbert Quarter from different perspective.  


Limerick Land Development Agency


Limerick City